Monday, August 23, 2010

We survived!

We all survived our first day of school! The boys were surprised at how small their class was. They all came home eager to tell us all about it. All three said they had the best teacher in the school. I asked about their Spanish classes and two of them didn't even realize they had Spanish class. David said he could understand most of everything that was said, but didn't know how to speak back. Joelle said her favorite part was seeing "Krista" my friend that is now her best friend. David's favorite part was going on a treasure hunt. Edan liked having someone in his class he knew. Joelle acted like she was upset that she didn't have her friend she met last week in her class. Then I said, "I'm sorry". She quickly said, "I don't care." It really didn't matter to her.

We all celabrated going out to dinner at a famaliar restraunt, Applebees. Not the exactly the same, but similar and the menu is in English. After always hearing Spanish and trying to think in Spanish it's nice to at least have the words on the menu in Spanish even if we are ordering in Spanish.

For my first day teaching in a school setting my day went as good as it could. I started out with 6th grade for my first two classes. They were about as quiet as mice. They came in sat down worked on there assignment. I felt pretty confident after getting through two successful classes! Then there was 8th grade.....Wow night and day different! After my first 8th grade class I was glad to have a couple periods off so I could regroup and get a better game plan together. I only had 4 classes today and I asked another teacher who to watch for in my last 8th grade class. Tweeked my plans and prayed! The last class went much better. I learned from my mistakes and putting my guard down. I felt like for a first year teacher it was as good as it could get.

As for Brian after hearing the differences in the sixth and eighth grade classes, he is glad he is teaching 6th.

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