Thursday, August 26, 2010

Early Gray Hairs

Today was one of those days where I thought, "I'm going to be gray in two years!" It wasn't really all day that was bad. Really it was only two hours. My sixth grade classes are wonderful! They are respectful and in control of themselves. You can joke with them and they don't get out of hand. They are such a joy to teach. They are interested and participate. I could go on and on. I love having them in the morning. They always start me day out great!

Then there is the eighth graders. Who are manipulative, deceptive, noisey....I could go on with them as well. It was a frustrating two hours, but I was reminded agian that these are the kids God has sent me here for. He's given me this group of kids. They are also the type of kids that if they gave their lives over to God that they would totally change Mexico. Unfortunately right now they are using there gifts for creating chaos. The more they get me to that point that I want to shake everyone of them, the more determined I am to pray for them that God would totally change their lives! I was given a glimmer of hope that they are not totally caloused to anything and everything spiritual. One class I got very serious with them. I encouraged someone, anyone to step up and be the right kind of leader. Do the right thing even though no one around them was. I said that I know it's hard, but your just as wrong for not doing the right thing when you know you should. There was dead silence for five minutes until the bell rang. (Which is absolutely rare in that class.) Afterwards I had about half the class apologize for not being a good example. Many of the ones that did where some of the biggest problems. It gave me hope that their hearts weren't completely hardened.

At home the kids knew that I was having some problems in a couple of my classes. David and Edan were quick to give their expert advice. I needed to write their name on the board and then take away their clip, then not give them 5 minutes of recess. They gave me a lot of "helpful" advice. If they continue to act like little children I might have to do follow through on that advice.

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