Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More Random Mexican Happenings

I was so glad to wake up this morning to no dying cockroaches! I really don't like King Kong cockroaches. I know I still am way bigger than them, but I just don't like they idea of these creatures crawling around everywhere at night. We are pretty sure they fumagated before we came and thats why we are seeing the dying ones. The other night we woke to two dead/dying ones. This left us a little paranoid and the next evening you could find Brian and I switching on the lights randomly to see if anything would scatter. So far we haven't seen anything!

I have been so spoiled and have reminded myself that I am spoiled. It's so good for us, but I admit it's hard. It reminded us of living at camp when we first moved in the house. Now that we have a few homier things it is feeling more peaceful.

I understand why all of our neighbors have huge fences. We have a little fence. (Don't worry Grandma and Grandpa, it's like Fort Knox with all the bars.) Because of this little fence everyday someone comes and bangs at the fence or shouts into us at the window. Most often they are selling things or services. I am trying to see this as a blessing because it gives us many opportunities to practice our Spanish. We need to learn! But I understand why our neighbors all have the tall fence.

I know our thoughts lately have been random. It's because we type these out at Starbucks and usually Joelle is crawling on and off my lap and it tends to be hard to think in anyway, but random thoughts.

Another random thought, I find it strange that almost everything is comparable or cheeper than the states, but backpacks. They all seem to be over $25 US dollars.