Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First days of school!

Before we came to Mexico David said, "I think I'm going to be the best in my class at Spanish." Today after school he said, "I'm the only one that doesn't know Spanish." David at times speaks with a spanish accent when he's speaking English. He's determined to learn Spanish in 3 months!

A couple of nights ago Joelle wanted us to come in again and again. Brian went in one last time to tuck her in and as he left she was yelling in Spanish, "Que Bonito Daddy! Que Bonito Daddy!" (What beautiful daddy). Then she started saying random spanish words to try to get us to come back. I asked her about her Spanish class she said, "It's all Spanish!"

Edan's teacher, "Miss Holly" brought brownies over a couple of days ago. Edan told her today that her "brownies were good." They were suppose to be doing a paper at the time and she was distracted with others and she said, "Yes, color it brown or whatever color you want to." After he said it several times to her, she got it. She told me the story this afternoon. When we got home and were talking about our day he said, "no one understands me still." (Edan has had a little speach issue. I said, "That's because they speak Spanish." He said, "no my teacher doesn't!" I was glad I had heard the story and was able to explain. He was relieved!

Both the boys seem to be makeing friends. Joelle says she doesn't have friends, but then today she said she played with "one girl". Edan claims to have a best friend now, but when we asked his name he said, "I don't know I'll ask him tomorrow." I've been told by several people David is right in there playing with all the Mexican kids." Last Sunday he was running around with a couple of kids after church.

Out of all the kids Joelle seems to be having the hardest adjustment. Not only is she in a new country, with a new language, but going to school everyday. It's hard because it's tiring after school and then she's Miss. Clingon. I have been trying to convince her to sit on my lap and read books, but she's always saying "Play with me! Play with me!"

Random thought of the day: Saw something interesting yesterday. A man caring a half of a cow! He had a half of cow skinned on his back and was bring it in from his old beat up truck straight to the butcher. Never seen that before.

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