Saturday, September 18, 2010

From Sickness to Chapala

We have been passing around sickness. I should be asleep now, but since I spent all day sleeping and feeling miserable, I thought I would update instead. This "break" from school has been spent mostly at home because someone is sick. We did have a break yesterday where Edan was feeling better and I had not yet gotten it. We made the most of the opportunity and headed out to the largest lake in Mexico, Lake Chapala. Another couple from the school went with us.

We had a great time. We took a boat ride that the kids loved because the water was a little choppy. We tried this disgusting little fried fish on a little island that is suppose to be the local specialty. I'm sure Brian would have a better take on the cuisine, but I thought it was gross. We walked around the town bought a couple things like creamed honey and fresh roasted coffee. Then I thought I would walk back and put my jacket and bag in the car. When I got to the car I noticed the car wouldn't unlock. I went around to open it the old fashion way and jumped in to start it so the alarm wouldn't go off only to discover our battery was dead.

It's enough of a pain when you are in your own country to get your car jumped let alone when you don't fluently speak the language. We turned off the hazard lights and walked around for awhile hoping it would be able to start when we came back. Unfortunately we had to go to plan B. At first I'm thinking through how exactly you would ask for a jump in Spanish. I was pretty sure it probably didn't translate, "Me carro necesita un salta." We didn't know how to translate the word "jump" in Spanish. We went to plan C. Take the jumper cables with you when you ask. It actually worked out a lot smoother than we imagined. A nice police officer helped us and he didn't want a cent or should I say peso. You here so much about crooked cops in Mexico, but so far we have been lucky to not run into any. He was glad to help and wanted nothing from us.

We decided when it was all over we needed to stop using turn signals here. The Mexicans don't and we only forget to turn them off. I guess we need to be a little more like the Mexicans in this area.

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