Saturday, September 25, 2010

1/2 The Blog I Wrote This Morning

Okay, so I wrote a blog earlier today when I had no electricity and very little sleep thanks to a few drunks and decided it would be best not to post all of it. I was about to crack. Well, maybe I did crack. We really want to be honest with this blog. We know that there are missionaries out there that are going through the same things as us, but because a church that’s supporting them might not completely understand what they are going through they might not share everything. Plus there are many internationals that come to the USA each year and go through similar things as we do. I want to share with you my struggles and our families so you have a better idea.

Here’s an excerpt of what I wrote this morning.

Ever since we got here I have begun to realize more and more about Satan’s attacks. The more my students at school are asking questions about God and false religions and coming to me with prayer requests. (One girl gave me a hug this week and said she needed a hug because she really missed her Grandma and we were able to talk about that because I lost my dear grandma last year.) The more I feel that God is working in my students lives the more our life is about to explode in a ball of smoke. This last week with the exception of one class I really felt the kids were listening and mulling on things of God’s Words. Yet in the last week and a half I have had sick children, I’ve been sick, David’s tooth mysteriously cracked off in the middle of the night (and we were directed to a dentist who mistook peanut butter for a rotting tooth) , David’s had two antibiotics and he has never had any in his 7 years previously, my dad has had a heart attack (He is fine now), our electricity went out yesterday right after Brian went grocery shopping and most the cold things are now spoiled, our car’s brand new tire got a flat two days after it died on us in a strange town, we are struggling in a small house that has barely no windows, yard, or room for 3 kids , and last night a car was parked right in front of our house blaring Mexican music while three drunk people danced in the street from 2-3 in the morning! Of course, no one on the block would confront them out of fear. On a positive note, we lay in bed and prayed that it would start raining harder to drive them away and they were gone in less than 10 minutes after praying. As I write the power is still out. To say the least we have really had a hard week.

We know God is sufficient to meet all our needs and we need to go to him, but we also know we are human and need other humans. God desired that we would live and serve in unity. He created us for relationship. Regretfully in a foreign country going to church is more about a Spanish lesson then about fellowship and community. Very few come up to talk to you at church because they know you barely speak the language...

OKAY so I’ll stop there. You get it, we are struggling!

I had called a friend today to vent to her. She quickly offered to help and by the end of the day I was able to see again that there is some encouragement amidst the trials. God must have some big plans that others will come to know Him and worship Him and Satan wants nothing to do with that! We desperately need your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. this has been our life for the last 3 years....very few ppl understand or believe us. it can be so overwhelmingly discouraging. so encouraging to hear - sad that you are going through it, but so glad we are not alone.
