Saturday, May 14, 2011

Good and Hard

Before you even ask me, my answer is good and hard.

I have thought a lot about the questions I will continually get asked by friends and family and coworkers when I return. I know what they are because friends and others email them to me regularly. First and foremost, "How was your experience" and "What was it like to live in Mexico". Before you even ask, I have put a lot of thought into this and my answer is good and hard.

I understand that when I return some people will ask me these quetions out of mere formality and some will ask me because they really care and have genuine interest. For the second group, I felt like I owed them a thought out answer. So I have been thinking quite a bit about it. Again, the answer good and hard.

Good in that this experience has changed me in ways for the better. Made me appreciate and at times reject foreign cultural practices and attitudes. Good in that it has made me reevaluate how I live my life. Good in that it has reminded me about what is truly important. Good in that it has forced me to look God in the face and say "What?". Good because He has answered that question many times and I am fundamentally broken, changed, and better for it. Good because I think I come back better then when I left with a lot more love in my heart.

Hard because everything that is good for you over the long term is hard (Think marriage, children, friends, family, church life). Hard because I couldn't count on anything I knew many times and found my self at the mercy and thoughtfulness of others. Hard because I hated it at times, like every school kid hates grammar, but ultimately learns its value. Hard enough to break rock like attitudes in my heart. Hard enough to make me refreshed and excited to come back to the States.

Good in that it changed me and Hard in that I am ready to begin a new in the States.

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