Saturday, January 22, 2011

Foods That Never Should Have Come to Mexico

I have decided to start a set of regular posts dedicated to foods that should have never been introduced to the Mexican mainland. Part 1 Sushi!

What I had in mind for there posts is not food that is inedible, but food that when tasted by someone who knows what the food should taste like cringes in horror. Kind of like this mental Italian mamma I have in my head who cringes everytime I make boxed spaghetti then pour jarred Ragu marina sauce with meatballs on it and think I'm eating real spaghetti! That's what I have in mind. With this being said, there are a lot of Mexican foods I love that should have never been introduced into the States. We have a lot of Mexican mommas cringing!

With that being said, Mexico should have never been given rights to Sushi. In fact, I hope the next trade pact between Japan and Mexico involves the sending of real sushi chefs. Now, they do use rice and generally it is in a roll form, they even serve it with Soy sauce that has a bottle that makes it look like there was a remote chance an Asian approved of this sauce before sending it out. Other then that, the big Asian mamma is cringing!

First, with the exception of one upscale Sushi house I went to here, they never serve it with Wasabi. Real sushi needs Wasabi or at least the fake green Wasabi we get in the states. Here I often get chopped Jalapenos in Soy Sauce. Yet it is spicy, but it's not the same. Kind of like Tang and Sunny D are both orange drinks but they are not the same!

Secondly, sushi should generally not have "queso" cheese in it. Now maybe some of you in the states like your Philadelphia rolls, but the rest of us luckily can enjoy the other 95 percent of rolls that are made like they are supposed to! Come on has anyone ever seen cheese at a real Sushi House! Here every roll is made with cream cheese. Yesterday I orderd a roll for myself that said was topped shrimp with standard vegies in the middle. It failed to tell me that under the shrimp was a large chunk of cream cheese. I ordered Edan a fried chicken roll (I thought he would eat it) with avocado and you guessed it, big chunk of cream cheese. All rolls here have cream cheese, it should not be, do you hear me, IT SHOULD NOT BE!

Finally, Sushi should not be made with Uncle Ben's rice. There is specific rice for Sushi, I don't know the name, but they don't use it here (At least I haven't found it yet). Rolling Uncle Ben's is not a substitute.

Next Week Nacho Doritos!

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