Monday, December 13, 2010

Running for the Border!

There are some days I just want to run for the border and this is one of them.  It's hard teaching Bible to a bunch of kids who have no desire to learn the Bible or care anything about what God cares about.  I try to push and challenge them and I end up at the end of the day exhausted and worn out.  (It doesn't help that Edan is sick again.) 

It's so hard to keep your focus and not flip when you have students that feel like they can come to class and spend it as a time to catch up on all the latest gosip or when you have a student that stands up and shouts, "I love sex!", after you are trying to stress how God wants us to be set apart and pure.  At times I feel like I am beating my head into a concrete wall!  I am reminded so often that I can't do anything to help these kids.  I have nothing personally to give!  I feel at times so in adaquate.  It is only by the grace of God that they will change.  I have these little conversations with God, "Okay, Lord you say in our weaknesses you are strong, I'm feeling really weak right now!" or I quote, "we wrestle not agianst flesh and blood, but against the powers and the rulers of this dark world".  Even as I say it I struggle with smart mouthed children that think they can say, "No offense teacher..." and then say whatever they want and it's hard to realize that they really are not my struggle.  I pray for them that God will pierce many of their harden hearts.

On a lighter note.  Today when Joelle and I went on a short erand in the car she sings to me, "I know more than you, ha ha ha ha!" (referring to how much Spanish she knows).  Then when I asked her to get her seat belt on she said, "Mom, we are in Mexico they don't use seat belts!"  I kept telling her to get her seat belt on she was a US citizen.  She says, "No you really don't, I've seen them in the back of the trucks." 


  1. I love you Joy & miss you so much! I want to encourage you to know that God will use you when you have nothing left to give...I have to constantly remember that it is God doing or leading or talking or whatever....not me!!! I will pray that He will strengthen you.

    Tell Joelle I'm proud of her knowing more than her mommy!!! Haha!!

  2. Thanks Carlie,

    Joelle thinks she knows more than me, but she is way behind. Everyone told us how much quicker our kids will learn Spanish than us and so far that has been far from reality. Brian and I both know more and understand more than the kids. But Joelle probably tries the most even though she doesn't always know what she is saying. The only thing Joelle has on me is some songs and an accent.
