Sunday, December 5, 2010


On Thursday, I had some really good Bible classes. In all of my classes the kids were really thinking through things. In sixth grade we were talking about the Ten Commandments and how all of us are guilty of breaking at least one of the Ten Commandments. God sees us as guilty for breaking his law and we need to be separated from Him. There is no way to get to God by what we do because we all have fallen short of God’s standard.

After we were done there was a girl in my class that came up and said, “Mrs. Young, I have a question.” She drew on the board as she asked me. “If God is here and we are way over here and considered guilty before him because we broke His law, what can we do? How do we possibly get to God?” She is one of my students that has been listening intently and asking questions. I was able to share with her that was God’s point. We can’t get to Him by obeying his commands because we don’t keep our end of the bargain. That’s why Jesus had to come and become the perfect sacrifice. The payment of breaking God’s law is death and Jesus took that payment. When we repent of the wrong things we do and trying to think we could please God on own and we believe Jesus is the only way then we can be saved and God will see us like we are not guilty. I then saw this light bulb go off in her head as she started to understand.

In my eighth grade class, I am having them make their own doctrine of baptism and salvation. I have kids all over the place on these two topics. I told them I wanted to know what they believed and they had to back it up with verses. They needed to focus on what the Bible said and I didn’t want to know their parents doctrine or their church, but what they believed and why. I have really seen them thinking despite how much they resist, even if I have to bribe them with going outside the next class. (Yes it’s still nice enough to go outside. Mid 70’s every day) My goal especially for the eighth grade is to get them to think and use the Bible as their source for their answers.

I find it also interesting how during these times of great classes Brian and I can feel such huge amounts of discouragement.

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