Monday, June 14, 2010

Practice Run

Brian and I were able to take a “practice run” of a long car trip this weekend. We went to a good friends wedding down in Georgia. Only around 19 to 20 hours in a car will make you take a good look at your plans and reevaluate them. Now we have a more realistic look at what it really will take to drive all the way down to Mexico, a 36 hour drive with 3 kids. We decided it might be best to add another day to our trip.

Author John C. Maxwell in his book 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership writes a simple guide to follow for planning ahead.

Predetermine a Course of Action
Lay Out Your Goals
Adjust Your Priorities
Notify Key Personnel

Allow Time for Acceptance
Head into Action
Expect Problems
Always Point to the Successes
Daily Review Your Plan

We are now going back and adjusting our plans so our trip is not a complete disaster. I’m thankful for the long weekend trip because we were really able to think through the reality of the drive. I can envision the children screaming with tears rolling down there faces because we were behind an unrealistic schedule and not stopping again. There still may be a few tears, but hopefully we will now be a little better prepared.


  1. Mom and Dad took the kids to Upland this weekend for Christian's graduation and they said it got a little rough after an hour! Many breaks will be good!

  2. We did find some old DVD car players that we had put away and they still work. That will help a little.
