Monday, December 6, 2010

Rubbing it in Just a Little Bit!

Although we struggle being foreigners in a new land, learning language and customs, and the many adjustments, there is one thing that we absolutely enjoy...the WEATHER!  It is so beautiful.  While many of your are suffering through the snow we still have flowers blooming.  I took this picture Sunday.  

I thought I would take the time and show you around our little coto.  This is Joelle with "her dog".  She loves Camilo and looks to see if he is outside everyday.  She has really gotten to know the neighbors.  She went over to their house Sunday going in and out.  After around two hours playing play doh, helping them put up their tree and eating snacks I asked Joelle are you ever going to come back home?  She told me she was moving in with them.  I told her she couldn't or I wouldn't have a little girl.  She said I would still be her little girl and that she would come and visit.  If your thinking they must have a little girl she enjoys playing with.  Well, sort of, there are two girls 16 and 20 years old!  But she loves it and it is so good for her Spanish  I hear them constantly talking to her in Spanish.  She is going to be better at Spanish than all of us!

Here is a veiw looking towards the street of our coto.  Their are six houses all conected to each other on each side.  You drive in from the street and then everyone parks in front of their house.  No one has their own yard. 

Although no one has their own yard their is a pool and a yard to share.  This would have probably taken us more getting use to, but since our first house here had absolutely no yard or place for the kids to play we were so excited we didn't care if it was everyones.  Although we have had a couple of problems with a few yappy dogs, it has gotten much better.  Most of the people don't use the yard and we live in the back right by the yard.   This has made it very nice.  We are getting more accustomed to this sharing mentality. 

Here is our house. It's a two story, two bedroom house. What is so nice is the trees keep the house shaded.  I really noticed the difference when we were moving out of the little house.  This new house was several degrees cooler.  This will really come in handy during the hot months with no air conditioning. 

Here again you will see how lovely the climate is right now.  We still have butterflies fluttering around.  It is chilly in the morning and you need to wear layers.  There are no heaters or air conditioning so you just adjust with how many pieces of clothing you have on. 

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful!! And yes, I'm's way below freezing & tons of snow here...but the snow is beautiful. I'm so happy you have a new place and it looks nice :).
