Monday, November 22, 2010

The Power of What You Approve

Recently, a fellow teacher shared with me a conversation that he had with a parent of one of the students at the school. Somehow the conversation moved to the release of the new Harry Potter film that was coming out. As the conversation moved here, the teacher expressed to me the passion of the parent against Harry Potter.

The teacher, not really for or against Harry Potter, listened to the parent. The teacher shared that many American Christians he knew do not have a problem with Harry Potter. She then went on to say "That is because Christianity is "light" in America". She then expressed how amazed she was that people would spend their hard earned money on items that support and promote witch craft and a spiritual darkness.

With this being said, the point of my post is not to give an opinion on Harry Potter, but about what we approve. Mexican believers I have found, do have a real sense of the spiritual world. In many ways, there is a darkness here that exists in few places in the US. (Even though I and many others have seen it in our inner cities). They tend to be very discerning and sensitive to things that deal with dark sprituality like Halloween. They also make judgments on our faith because of what we do approve.

One thing we have learned here is how big an impact that American Christianity has on Mexico. I would have never considered this while in the States, but they know much more about us and our faith then I would have known. Because of the number of Mexican immigrants in the States and the constant movement back and forth over the border, it is rare to find Mexicans who don't have an understanding about America. Not only an understanding, but definitely an opinion!

We realized that as American Christians we have an incredible impact on the growth of the gospel in Mexico whether we know it or not. They seee what we approve and what we do not approve. They see how we behave and they make decisions. The testimony of the American church is ringing loud and clear in Mexico.

Regretfully, the message, while clear, is not clearly of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  1. Good point...we do tend to have a "Light" Christianity here in the States. I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter myself, but we do watch the movies, etc.

  2. i understand and agree. to this end we have chosen to not particpate in many practices that happen here "normally" even among christians specifically for the testimony in our dark area. btw...enjoying the insghts you all are learning there. it's amazing to learn what others think and how our testimony of Christ is being portrayed.

    praying american christians wake up and live "strong" and have a wonderful testimony that draws many to the Savior
