Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where Should Home in my Heart Be?

Even in the first week their are times when you just miss the States. This is especially true during those times when you are by yourself and the communication gap is so difficult. Joy and I have discussed this as some of the other Americans who have been here for years can't imagine going back to the States. Here is now home for them. At this moment of course, the States are still home in hearts. This got us thinking, Scripture tells us that we are all aliens and that this is not our home. It made us wonder if this text doesn't also warn us about getting attached to any one place during our short time on earth. God does have great plans for us and maybe we need to be careful that our attachments to our temporal homes don't effect our service to our eternal home. Just a thought today.


  1. This thought as "foreigners" is very close to home for us here...Aaron just started a sermon series on 1 Peter. We miss you very much! Let us know if there is anything you need or want!!
    We are called to our home in heaven and can't wait for that!!

  2. Brian, I've also thought that about being an alien. I don't care where we serve Him, I just care THAT we serve Him. :)

    Thanks for the blog updates!

    Martie H.
    from Joy Baptist

  3. We will have to listen to the podcasts now that we have internet!

    Absolutely Martie!
